Monday, August 2, 2010

Daily Devotional

Tuesday, August 2, 2010
“What are the beatitudes, and why are they important?”

In order to understand the beatitudes and their importance in our daily lives, we must first look at the definition of “beatitude”. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “beatitude” as “a state of utmost bliss”. The blessing or state of bliss could be better looked at as a state of well being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to joy.

The world concerns itself with the accumulation of material goods, values a prideful attitude, celebrates wickedness, wages war, and avoids persecution at all costs. The world embraces a lifestyle in complete opposition to the beatitudes and if we view the beatitudes as a blessing, then we can view a life lived in opposition to them as a curse.

I know that I have witnessed and even experienced the pain and suffering that comes along with living a life contradictory to the will of God.

If you look at a man who is constantly antagonizing his brother, making enemies among his friends, and bickering with his neighbor, do you see blessings in his life for these actions? No, of course not. This man’s brother will not take care of him in a time of sickness, he will no longer have friends to fellowship over a meal with, and his neighbors will not be concerned for him or his property. This man suffers a cursed life of loneliness due to his bitter spirit.

Jesus gave us the beatitudes as a blessing, and by honoring them we bring peace to our spirit.

Lord, thank you so much for giving us these blessings, and for caring for our wellbeing. In Matthew your word tells us that you provide for even the sparrows, and that we are of much greater value. I pray that you would renew our spirits, and give us humble hearts as we look at the beatitudes; that we would desire to live them out in our lives.

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