Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Alone at Sea

I haven't been updating as often as I would have liked, but things have a way of getting really busy around here. We hosted a short term group of about twenty-four people from a small village in Wisconsin for almost two weeks, and that kept all of us on our toes for a while.

During that period of time we hosted a futball tournament, a badminton tournament, and several coffee houses / award ceremonies. The futball tournament was a lot of fun, and ten teams from across the city entered and played for an entire Saturday. We continued to hang out on campus, talking with students, playing badminton, teaching English and drawing etc. Some of us split off from the campus group and worked in the Mahattai 3 area, helping roof homes, pour concrete etc. 

It was definitely weird being surrounded by so many farangs here in Thailand for those two weeks, and in a lot of ways I think it helped our team feel a little more comfortable with our work here, as we were no longer the new kids on the block. 

When the Wisconsin kids went home, we started cleaning and painting the church. This turned out to be a pretty large undertaking. It took about three coats, lots of cutting, and even more cleanup, but we finally got it all done just in time for the Arts festival on Friday. 

Friday and Saturday were devoted to the "Hearts for Bangkok / City Of ______"Art Festival. Events took place at New City Fellowship on Friday and at Newsong in Downtown Bangkok on Saturday. It was a fun time of seeing local artists work, watching Thai dance, hearing about local Art ministries, and watching a great Czech movie with Thai subtitles. 

The weather in Bangkok has actually been great over the last week. We are moving from summer and on into the rainy season, and as a result it has been more overcast of late, with nice breezes and rain at night. 

It is crazy to think that we really only have two and half more weeks here in Bangkok. Time has a funny way of passing quickly, and yet slowly at the same time. It feels like years ago that we were laid over in London, and yet it seems like we've only really just gotten fully accustomed to life in Bangkok. 

One thing I know I will miss about Bangkok is our rooftop. It has been such a great place to reflect and process the events of the day/week/month. Not only has it been a great place to escape to in order to find some alone time, but also a great place for us to meet together as a group and discuss our time here, the Bible, heart issues, God's will for our lives, and the meaning of life, which is 42 by the way. 

I'll miss talking with David before calling it a night, walking through the door to the girl's adjoining room, playing cards, discussing relationships, college, God... mornings in John and Julie's room where we are always offered fruit and ask each other for prayer; the aforementioned roof.

I'll miss the legendary Rat King who lives in the Badlands which just so happens to be the most convenient shortcut to Coffee Today, the tiny coffee shop that has become home to us farangs, our own little Cheers in Thailand. Who back home will understand the ever present danger of Monitaur attacks from neighboring King's Park? Will anyone understand that sometimes you must be "alone at sea" no matter how "most unpleasant" it may be? Where else will someone say: "certainly, I will return unto you" when asked "when are you getting back from the beach"?

I have "loved a lot of you" Thailand, and I think it is safe to say that "mostly I think of you" as I prepare to return to the States. 

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